

The main class that handles the playback and timing of a song. This script requires an empty audiosource to be attached to the same gameobject. This ISN'T the audio source that will be used for playback, this is just used to get the audio thread time.



AudioSource MusicSource

Audio source that the music is played from.

bool ManualMode

If true, the song won't start playing automatically, you'll have to call SetSong()/SetClip(), InitTime() and Play() manually

bool IsSourcePlaying

True if the music source is playing.

bool HasStarted

True if the current song time is greater than 0

bool IsPaused

True if the song is not playing

float CurrentBpm

Current BPM of the song

double DeltaTime

More accurate version of Time.DeltaTime, it should NOT be used for gameplay purposes, since it's not affected by the audio sync

double AudioDelta

More accurate version of Time.DeltaTime, it can be used for gameplay purposes, since it's affected by the audio sync. However, I would still recommend using stuff like Lerp() with GetCurrentAudioTime() instead of this, since it can skip frames

double SourceStartTime

(Read only) Time in seconds of the moment that the game will unpause on. If you want to set this time, use SetStartTime()

float SongPitch

Music source pitch

Currently playing song

Action OnStartPlaying

Called alongside Play(), it's not exactly the same time the audio starts playing, it's just the time that the audio has been scheduled for playback

Action OnStopPlaying

Called on Pause() and Stop()

Action OnBpmChange

Called on bpm change, this is called AFTER the CurrentBpm value has been changed

Action OnLoop

Called when the song loops



InitTime(double time)

Initializes the time of the song, this should be called before playing the song time - Time in seconds

Set the song that'll be playing, if you'd rather set the clip directly, use SetClip(). song - Song that'll be playing setClip - If true, also set the clip that'll be playing from the song

SetClip(AudioClip clip)

Set the clip of the music source. Can be used instead of SetSong() if you want to create your own gameplay back-end logic for songs. clip - Audio clip of the music that'll be playing

SetOffset(int offsetInMs)

Set the offset of the song, this should be set per user, since it's different for everyone. This also should be preferably set before InitTime() and Play() is called. offsetInMs - Offset in milliseconds


Return current time of the audio playback, this is the most accurate time you can get from the audio thread, and it should be used for syncing gameplay


If the time has been initialized, schedules the audio playback. The audio won't start on the same frame as this is called, but the next frame that the audio thread runs.


Unpause the audio playback. Just calls Play()


Pause the audio playback


Stop the audio playback and reset the time to 0

SetStartTime(double time)

Sets the time that the audio will start playing at. Useful for song editors or gameplay that requires you to start at a specific time in the song

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